Belinda Hoole
Founder & President
Belinda has over 20 years experience developing custom solutions to transform culture and effect behavioral change. After 20 years of building programs for the US Dept of Justice, hospital emergency rooms, law enforcement agencies, jails and high schools across the US, Belinda realized that to effect real change responders need to be able to “reach” people in need. As Founder and President of SonderWorx she assembled a multi-disciplinary team of experts and developed the Signature H.U.M.A.N.S training approach.
From designing award winning programs to combat school violence, to programs that reduced hospital workplace violence by 50% in a year, Belinda is committed to increasing mindfulness, collaboration and mutual respect in order to drive creativity, innovation and results.
A certified human development trainer since 2003, Belinda leads seminars that nurture one’s personal responsibility, compassion, and service to others through the Avatar® course. She is a graduate of the Polyvagal Institute Certificate Program, a certified Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) Instructor, holds a BA in International Business Administration and served as a coach for Seth Godin’s altMBA program.